Dads & Dads-to-be

Does Baby Love Mommy More Than Daddy??

I saw a thread on the August 2012 Mom's page about a mom who feels bad that her husband and the newborn are not bonding as she would have hoped.  Apparently the newborn goes into meltdown mode the minute mommy is out of view, and this is making hubby feel pretty bad.

One of the women responded that it was unavoidable.....newborns only want to be by their mothers because of that unique relationship that moms have with their babies. So I went against my own rules and I commented on the thread because I was somewhat upset by that comment. Since day one my son and I have not had one moment where he wanted his mommy over me...NOT ONE!!

I felt that was just a horrible generalization for this woman to make. Maybe that is the case in her house, but in my house our child is comfortable with both of his parents, and does not meltdown just because I am holding him and mom is not around. The only time that my son needs his mom is when he is over-tired and needs her magic, mommy touch. That I get.  The idea that newborns are genetically programmed to favor moms over dad is almost insulting.

So, dads....what do you think about this?  Can you guys manage your newborn without mom being right next to you?? Do you agree that newborns are predisposed to only be soothed and comfortable by their mother's??

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