Pregnant after IF

First OB apt (u/s pic also)

After all my anxiety last week I feel so much better! Baby is doing great and measuring 3 days ahead. He said my chances of miscarriage were 2% and lower. Dec 18th I go in to hear the heartbeat :) super excited! I'm almost off all meds which is amazing! This week will be my last week on progesterone suppositories and the pills! The. December off metformin and any aspirin. Ill be on lovenox until 36ish weeks then switch to hepron. It's amazing to see how big they grow in such a short time! And now I leave you with my ultra sound pic at 8w3d. Love showing it off!



edit: sorry for typos. On iPad and it has a mind of its own!! 

Age 27:Fragile X Carrier-causing infertility
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