1st Trimester

when are you telling your boss?

My boyfriend already told the complete department even though I told him that we should wait for the first trimester to be over, he was so excited that he couldn't keep it quiet hehe... however I don't know when to tell my boss and colleagues.

 I am in a difficult situation: I got hired only 4 months ago in a position that involves 50% travel because I am a consultant. So I am one week abroad and one week at home. Obviously I will have to stop around the 6th month, or even earlier depending on how I feel. I was not planning to get pregnant for the next 2 years and me and my boyfriend had just got engaged recently.

Now I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and I know I will not be able to do my job later on. I am a bit sad because this was really the kind of career I wanted and I am afraid they will end up firing me at some point next year (of course now it's illegal).  I want to continue working after baby arrives, but part-time and not travelling at all!

 Anyone in a similar situation? Did you already tell your boss during your first tri? 

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