Food Allergy

Allergic to oatmeal?.... UPDATE

Okay, so my DS was Dx back on 10/26 with a yeast infection and we were told to use lotrimen Didn't work, they Rx a cream, didn't work right away but then we started using just Viva paper towel and water and his infection seemed to start to clear up. I had inadvertently put him onto rice cereal that week without realizing it until after the fact. So last night, I gave him his oatmeal and bananas just like always, and he started digging at his ear (no infection because it was instant and there is no odor). Then when I went to give him his bath, his yeast infection seems like it re-exploded, and he was really fussy all night long. He even woke up screaming and it was hard to calm him down. And I noticed that not long after I gave it to him last night he started coughing, and still has a little bit of a cough. Could he be allergic to oatmeal, and the commercial wipes are just compounding the yeast infection problem?

I know this is a two-fold question, but I've been battling a very itchy kid for 2 1/2 weeks now. I just want him better. If it is the oatmeal I will take him off of it for awhile, but this is the last possible item I would think would cause him an allergy. HELP!!!

UPDATE!!! So it turns out it is the oatmeal. After only having rice cereal, chemical free wipes, and everything else business as usual, his rash and itchies are going away. Then thinking back, when I was trying to increase my breastmilk supply I was eating a bunch of oatmeal, and that was when he started to get sick from it. So it all makes sense now. It is just sad that it took this long to figure out, and since then I've stopped pumping. I also stopped using Aveeno for his bath as that was just contributing to the problem. So I think we are on the right track now. Thank goodness!!

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