Dads & Dads-to-be

How many are REALLY involved?

Ok, I need a show of hands on how many dads are really actually there. I dont' know if I am being unreasonable or what the norm is for others but sometimes I feel like I don't get very much help on anything. Yes I am a SAHM and it is my job to take care of the house and our DS but am I not entitled to have some time to myself?  Our latest fight is - DH is going away 2 weekends in a row with his dad in december to go hunting. And yes, he has always done this prior to baby. wait, let me correct myself. He's only gone one weekend but now all of a sudden its 2. My problem is now that we have a little one and I think 1 weekend is enough, especially with christmas right around the corner. I want my DS dad to be more involved with things. like take DS to see lights, or santa, or a fun thing we have coming up called candy cane castle. DH always has an excuse to get out of it. I feel like he's never gonna get these memories back.I sometimes really feel like I am raising our son by myself. 

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