
EPing - Suddenly Having Trouble Keeping Up?

I EP and suddenly I'm having trouble keeping up with what DD needs.  I had a tough, stressful week where my supply seemed to drop immensely.  I went through most of my stash at that time.  Now my supply seems to be getting almost back to normal, but I still seem to be having trouble keeping up with what she needs to eat.  She may be going through a growth spurt, I don't know.  But I do know that my supply used to be a lot better than this.  I keep thinking *maybe* my period is coming back, but it has not yet.  Has anyone gone through this?  If so, what did you do, and did it get better?  I already take motilium and fenugreek.  This is starting to worry me.  I want to feed her BM for much longer than this.
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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