
Posterior Tongue Tie

Has anyone dealt with this?

I have an appointment with my LC tomorrow because my supply tanked a week or two ago and my DS hasn't gained weight like he is supposed to (he still isn't back up to his birth weight).

However, I have pressed no less than 3 medical professionals and two LCs to confirm that he doesn't have tongue tie issues and they all have told me he doesn't.  All the research I have done online leads me to think that he DOES have a posterior tongue tie and it just isn't commonly recognized by the medical community.

Who do I insist they give me a referral to?  An ENT?  A pediatric dentist?  I'm curious to hear what others have experienced. 

 The worst part is, I doubt we will be able to do anything prior to Thanksgiving, so I'm going to have messed up nipples and have to keep pumping in hopes of increasing my DS's weight...  ugh.

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