
how much milk do you get per pumping session?

My LO is 5 days old.  My breasts have been seriously engorged.  Also, he is a "lazy eater" at the breast.  He latches great but falls asleep quickly and its almost impossible to wake him.  So, what ive been doing at night in particular is nurse him for as long as I can (usually 10 minutes before hes in a deep sleep) then I will lay him down which always wakes him up, and feed him a pumped bottle, usually 1-1.5oz. This then results in a 3 hour stretch or so before the next feeding.  When I pump I am getting about 5oz on the right, and 4oz on the left which i feel like sounds like an awful lot for 5 days PP.  What is normal for pumping at this stage?


Thanks, Ladies.  ETA - my LC at pedi's office suggested I pump after feedings based on how much milk I am producing.  She is concerned that with the amount of milk im already producing that I am a good candidate for mastitis which sounds like NO FUN at all.  Today we spoke, and she did suggest that i not pump to empty, but rather just to the point where I can feel a little softer and more comfortable.

Thanks for the tips on waking him.  Many I've heard but the cloth on the belly is a new one, and sounds quite effective.  This BF stuff isnt as easy as one would think : ( 

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