
Amount they eat

I've been EBF my twins for 6 months now. DH used to be super supportive of it and he still feels that breast milk is best. We both work full time, so we have babysitters that take care of the girls during the week. They feed them 6 ounce bottles and the girls eat every 3-3.5 hours with that. When I'm home I nurse them and they eat every 2 hours, like clockwork.

Lately, DH keeps saying things like "They're hungry still, they're not getting enough out of you." Or "There's no way they're getting 6 ounces out of you." 

Yesterday he actually said "It's a good thing we have the babysitters during the week so the girls get 6 ounce bottles. Otherwise they'd never get enough."

It's really frustrating and starting to really hurt my feelings. I tried explaining that they're not supposed to get 6 ounces out of me and that when I nurse they're going to eat more often and that's normal. But he doesn't seem to get it. 

I think he's pushing me to switch to EP, which I have absolutely no desire to do. I know I can't keep up with the amount of pumping that would be needed. 

Any advice or information I can share with him about how much they're supposed to be eating and what's normal/average? 

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