

I'm 4 weeks 2 days PP and going back to work in a few weeks.
I've been ebf for about 2 and half weeks, we had some troubles at the beginning; he was in NICU for 4 days, had to supplement with formula, my milk took 5 days to come in fully, and he was tongue tied so I had to pump ahead of time and feed him (such a pain!)

But despite all of that, the nursing is going much better now!

Anyways! I need advice on how to store up breast milk. I haven't pumped every day like I had been the first few weeks when I had to since he's able to latch, now just once every few days just in case he would ever need it for any reason.

How do I go about pumping for it? Do I do it after he eats? Is there a certain amount of times I should do it a day or should I just pump how much I need? 

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