
BFing on T'giving gathering...

LO will be exactly 2 weeks old on T'giving day.  I'm getting better at BFing but sometimes it's still a struggle to get him latch on correctly, and often with DH's help.  For the past 9 days, I've only BF in front of DH, nurses, LCs, and my mom.

ILs (MIL/FIL/SIL) will be at our house for T'giving - they are cooking the entire meal in our kitchen, so they will be here for hours on end.  LO nurses on average every 2 hours during the day, usually 25-30 mins.  

I am a shy person and am feeling awkward BFing in front of my ILs, even though I have a nursing cover.  Esp with the latch-on issues, DH & I will basically be struggling to get LO to latch on for a few minutes, which is harder to do w/ a nursing cover.  I feel like I'd be more comfortable feeding him by myself upstairs in the bedroom, but DH thinks I'm making too big of a deal about this and thinks I'm being anti-social if I take LO w/me upstairs.  And with the potential cluster feeding in the evening, I could potentially be gone for a long time.

What has been your experience?  I feel like this whole "we'll cook T'giving dinner at your place" thing is already stressful for me as a brand new mom, and now I have more things to worry about... 

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