

please help! long some background info first. this is our first baby, so my first nursing experience. my daughter will be 2 months old on Tuesday. she weighed 7.48 and was 6.12 before we left.
For the first 46 weeks nursing was literally hell!! no one warned me about how hard it would be. first, it was the pain. there was blood and she literally took a chunk of nipple! we had a lactation consultant help us the day before we left the hospital but she said the latch looked great. hhhmmm okay. but it's not supposed to hurt? she said it was "left over" pain... bullshhhh!!!!! anyways at 6 weeks it was finally pain free. used all kinds of creams, soothies, ice whatever. anyways.... thank goodness!!! oh! and the first 4 weeks were not only painful but she was nursing for 68 hours at a time! she would delstch and fall asleep and if I moved her she would wake up screaming and want to nurse again. comfort nursing? who knows. but it hurt so bad that at 4 weeks I had to supplement one whole day so that I could just pump because I was in that much pain and with her nursing nonstop I just couldn't anymore. so the next day for a week in a half I exclusively pumped avd gave her a bottle. during that time I occasionally would latch her on so she would t forget avd she started to fight me at the breast. like kick avd scream abc didn't want to latch. she would latch and delatch over and over. ugh! and cry! so I would break avd give her a bottle avd she would suck the whole thing down. anyways the boobs healed avd the bottles stopped. she nursed great! it was wonderful and actually enjoyable! there were times when she wouldn't take the bottle and would want to nurse instead such a good feeling! okay so now the problems
1: about 4 weeks ago she randomly started screaming mid afternoon. she is was such s happy baby. would only fuss if she needed a diaper change or was hungry. this was screaming and I couldn't console her. tried to nurse and she wouldn't. she wouldn't take a bottle. nothing. but she seemed hungry? and hadn't eaten. it stopped then later that night she did it again for an hour! went to the doctor... everything was perfect. she gained weight was then 8.08 I asked about reflux? he said he didn't think so that it might be silent reflux but wanted to try gas drops. those didn't work. saw a diff doc. she put her on Zantac. that didn't seem to make a difference. crying and fussiness actually got dramatically worse. it's now all day everyday. I try to change her diaper, make sure no clothes are sticking her, feed her. And when I go to feed her its horrible. she cries whenever I go to feed her during the day now. I usually have to trick her into nursing by giving her her bink and calming her down and then going for it?!? what the heck???!?
2 she's not sleeping during the day like at all! she sleeps great at night for me though. she wakes twice usually. and nurses good both times. maybe she's exhausted during the day and that's why she's fussing? which most of the time I believe she is overly tired but she won't sleep. I even take her for car rides which were helping but now she only zonks out for 15 min and that's it!!!
3 for a week she's had green poos and her usual color. I thought it was the Zantac or the fenugreek which I started together not the best idea I immediately stopped the fenugreek the next day though as soon as I saw the green poo as inknow it can cause gi problems. so this was only in my system 1 or 2 days avd this has been going on for like 2 weeks or so now!!!! anyways, then the other day she has nothing but green poo the whole day and the following day as well. and I believe it was diarreha. she's not dehydrated and i
know she's getting enough to eat as she gives me more than enough peepee diapers and adequate poopy diapers. and she's gaining weight on Monday she was 7 weeks and 4 days she weighed 9.12. that's good right? ped said it was. anyways we are cutting out dairy. maybe an allergy? so now no more green poos. except one today. I was able to get her down for an hour today and another 20 min?

I'm just frustrated avd exhausted. I really don't know what to do. I feel like a bad mom because I can't figure it out. does she just want a bottle? does she not like nursing? I've even tried different positions. I'm so stressed out I cried yesterday and I find myself getting mad at her abd just talking a little harsher than I should. this is behavior that I am not proud of and need to fix now. I realize this post is all over the place. but I'm tired so tire. I just desperately need help, please.

and FYI: she's kinda sleeping right now. she's laying next to me skin to skin to try to help calm and soothe she nursed some and has eyes closed and sucking in bink? but not really sleeping.
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