1st Trimester

Hanging in there

Took the first test on Nov. 1st and 3 faint lines and one that finally said pregnant we are happily awaiting my third and his first.  We were married in August and we are so excited!  The only downside is for some reason I must have seen two complete idiots for Dr's, even after having my history sent over and both of them knowing that I continue to have my period for the first few months of pregnancy refused to do an ultrasound or even just the feel test for my uterus...which is really funny cause I no longer fit into my jeans and my husband says I look like I swallowed a basketball...ha ha ha!  So for now I am still due in July...its going to be one loooong pregnancy.  So for now I am hanging in there, dying to know when I am actually due =)
Cynthia Finch
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