
Pumping to increase supply question

Pumping to increase supply question

My supply tanked last week for unknown reasons. My DS was eating well, but has only gained 2 oz from his 1 week appointment. He is now 5 weeks old

I have an appointment with my LC on Monday, but in the meantime, I am taking fenugreek, eating oatmeal, drinking mother's milk tea and pumping in addition to BFing. DS is getting some of my pumped milk in a bottle as needed after we have attempted to breastfeed. I just can't keep up with him during the day because he wants to eat every hour. We do fine at night because he goes 3 hours between feedings.

My question is, how long should I be pumping to increase my supply? I am pumping almost every time he gets a bottle and after his night time feedings. I try to do 15 to 20 minutes. Is that long enough?

If you have any other suggestions for bringing my supply back up, I am open to hear them. Thanks!
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