1st Trimester

Update from previous post!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here! But I have been quite busy with alot of dr appointments. They did a dating ultrasound that said I was 8 weeks and i had an ob appointment before that. Because of my high risk due to Gastroschisis I had when I was born the dr reccommended me to another dr. I saw the new dr and they did another ultrasound that was right on time with the previous one and the dr told me worst case scenerio is that the baby may put pressure on my intestines and then I will have to have surgery while pregnant. But that is the worst case so I am just going to keep an eye out for symptoms when im farther along! Went back to dr number 1 and she did alot more prenatal care work ups, etc. Due date June 20th and im 9 weeks 1 day! (not the 15 weeks my pcp told me "eye roll*) Thanks for all the support on my previous post because this girl was freaking out!

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