
Help! spitting up? fussy? hiccups?

DS was a perfect eater & sleeper until he turned a week old and projectile vomited up a feeding one night.  We called the Dr. and they wanted to see him since it was projectile and he's so young.  Turns out he's just fine!  However, he threw up again last night.  Sometimes he's super fussy after eating.  But like the dr.'s office said, he's not inconsolable.  He was content as can be in my arms.

I'm just so confused.  How do I help him not spit up and get an icky tummy?  The two times he's thrown up he did have both breasts.  I guess maybe I stick to one breast?  But even then sometimes he gets fussy!

Oh, and he's hard to burp.  Sometimes he'll burp 20 minutes later and then on top get the hiccups.  


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