
Does this sound like oversupply or food allergy? (XP)

Help me out ebf mamas-I am seriously about to lose my mind! And thanks in advance for reading this LONG post. I plan on seeing the doctor next week if her symptoms don't clear up.So in the last week or two, I've been noticing a few changes in Avery (16 weeks today). I took her to the pediatrician two weeks ago and everything checked out fine...but of course, left to my own devices and google, I am starting to worry something is wrong. Here are Avery's symptoms:Occasional specks of blood in poop (maybe one diaper a day, with one to four pen tip sized specks)-this was the reason I brought her to the doc two weeks ago, he said she had an anal fissure, rx'd some cream, cleared up right away, but then stopped using the cream and now every now and again we have a speck or two of bloodSome green poops, sometimes seedy, sometimes partly mucousy. Morning poops are usually yellow and seedy (if that makes a difference)Pulling at the breast while nursing, unless she is starving (maybe she is distracted?)Mild diaper rash (she is in cloth and I change her every hour-unless she is napping-and use rash cream-and let her dry out before putting new diap on)Spits up after almost every feeding, but seems contentClucking sounds while nursing sometimesI can feel my letdown and about half the time when she nurses on one side, the other side leaksWhen I pump in the morning after her first feeding, I can get 4-8 ozBumpy dry skin on face, legs, and arms (tummy is nice and smooth, no bumps in creases)Happy temperament and sttn 12-13 hours straightGood output, 5-6 wet and poopy diapers a day plus 5-6 wet diapers If it sounds like a food allergy, is it possible for symptoms to start showing up this late (she is 16 weeks today)?
First date 6/04. Married 10/08. TTC #1 since 3/11
BFP #1: 8.28.11, M/C 9.27.11 7wks5days
BFP #2: 11.24.11, EDD 8.4.12
Avery Susan is here! 7/28/12, 6 lbs 12 oz, 19.3" long Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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