July 2012 Moms

4 month appt questions

DD had her 4 month appt yesterday can't believe how fast time goes!! So at birth she weighed 8lbs 11oz and was 22in. Now at 4 months she weighs 12lbs 3oz and a little over 26in. She's dropped in weight percentile but continues to be off the charts with her height. Doctor was not concerned however it seems the average 4 month old weighs around 16lbs. Should I get a second opinion? She's gained weight at each appt so I think that's why they are not concerned.

Another thing is I thought they would recommend to start rice cereal, but the doctor recommended we wait as close to 6 months as we can. She said its best to wait to giver her system more time to mature. However she said the decision is up to us. I'm wondering if cereal would help her gain weight? I may just wait until at least 5 months. Unless I feel like she's not gaining weight.

How much does you LO weigh at 4 months and did the doctor recommend waiting until 6 months for cereal?
I'm curious as to what others were told!
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