July 2012 Moms

Dear SIL

I could not wait for Open Letter Tuesday, sorry.
Dear SIL,
What the hell is the matter with you? I realize that you must be able to live your life, buuuuut you are a tennant, our tennant and you live upstairs from us and you know that we have a baby in the house. So I must ask, why oh why do you think it is okay to re arrange furniture, hang pictures or whatever that steady banging is at all hours of the night? And why are you home allllll day and we don't hear a peep out of you, then come 9pm, you decide now is the best time to feng shue sp? your appartment?. Why are you never content with how it is? You have been living up there for almost a year, and yet seem to be renovating multiple times a week. What is wrong with you? Why don't you stop and think "gee, maybe I shouldn't make so much noise, there is a baby right below me".
Thank you for listening!
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