1st Trimester

Help, Holiday Blues

This Thursday is Thanksgiving and I have reached the worst point in my Hyperemesis the past two weeks. In and out of the ER for fluids and never getting out of bed. Everything sends me onto a cycle of vomiting and feeling stressed. Getting dressed and even showering takes a days worth of strength for me so it goes without saying it doesn't happen often. All I want this Thanksgiving is to be left alone. I know my family and my husband and his family will not be happy with this and I will be forced out of my comfort zone. I am really hoping that I can find a way to explain to my family that I am not well enough to spend the day out of the house, and having a houseful of people around me even if they come to me is also more than I can handle right now. Anyone have any advice? How can I make them understand that I can't join in this year and I don't have the strength to argue about it?
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