July 2012 Moms

Thank you and one more favor to ask

Ladies, I never got back on my thread about the ultrasound to respond because it was still too hard to think about.  But I wanted to let you know that I read all of your comments, and I was so touched.  I told my husband that our real life families may not know anything yet, but SO many ladies from our bump family were praying for us.  And I wanted to let you know that I think your prayers/good vibes are working.  I had a huge ugly crying fit last night, but today I have found a place of calm and hope.  I truly believe that our baby will be OK.  I know it sounds naive, and maybe if things don't turn out well it will hurt more this way, but I have decided to go with faith and trust.  Thank you all for helping me through this.  I honestly, sincerely could not do this without knowing you are all out there, spread all over the place, rooting for this LO to be healthy.

The other favor I'd like to ask is actually for more thoughts and prayers.  We are telling our parents tomorrow.  We were already nervous, because this is not the best time for us to have a baby financially and my ILs will probably disapprove (very vocally).  My mom will be freaked out because of how sick I was with Emily.  Now we have to tell them and also break the news that we've had some complications.  We desperately want this to be a happy occasion, but we have to be honest with them about our odds.  We thought about waiting for the next ultrasound, but all of them would be upset we kept this from them and didn't lean on them for support while we wait. 

So the plan is to be honest, but not paint a vivid picture for them.  We will ask them to keep it to themselves until we have the follow up ultrasound on Tuesday.  Could you please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we struggle with telling them that A) we're expecting, and B) there are possibly complications?

Thank you again ladies, you've helped me (and DH) more than you know.


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