
Unusual Q: Breastmilk and water

Hello girls!!

 I have a weird Q  but I will intro myself a bit first :

I am a FTM, planning of breastfeeding as exclusively as possible ( i know that many things can 'go wrong/just not work" but want to give BFing the biggest chance I can! At the moment, I am overdue but have a induction day of Monday (yay baby day!)

OK now weird Q: A very trusted source has told me that for every 2 oz of breastmilk my baby 'eats' I need to bottle feed him 4 oz of water within the next hour. I have never seen/heard this anywhere else! I can understand if my milk is lacking or something, but I have yet to have anyone else confirm this! Anyone else do/heard/have advise on this?

Thanks girls!! HUGZ 

I'm a Mommy now!!!! HOORAY!!! Gordon Lee born Nov 19th 2012, 6lbs 14oz, 20inches! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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