
Weaning / Bottle Issue

Hi All,

 It has been a long time since I have posted anything or been on here...but I need some serious Mommy advice. 


I have been nursing my son until now (he is 10.5 months). During this time I have always given bottles here and there (well not me, but whoever is watching him). It was not often - but he has always taken a bottle. No problems.  I have decided to nurse for 12 months, and then wean him directly to whole milk. I have always been a pumper too - so his caregivers could give him breastmilk, however, about 2-3 months ago my body stopped responding to the pump. No matter when I try (morning / afternoon / holding baby / etc) - I get nothing - like only a drop. So needless to say - my 100oz freezer stash has diminished to about 30 oz right now.


Here is the problem - as of last week - my son will  not take a bottle. Which leaves this Momma stressed because I don't have enough frozen milk to "practice" on trying to give him the bottle and I can't pump more. If I make a formula bottle he makes a huge fuss and won't let it near his mouth.

 What do I do? Do I just keep trying and trying and trying? I am not worried about trying and wasting formula - I will try every day if I have to - but what if he won't drink it? I can't practice with breastmilk - because I don't have enough to spare. 

 Anyone experienced something similar? Any tips / advice to give?

 I have also tried a sippy cup but he seems totally disinterested.

 HELP! Thanks in advance :) 

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