July 2012 Moms

Wait time at Pediatrician...how long do you wait?

The post about switching pediatricians made me think...

We are switiching pediatricians because of the lack of breast feeding support. The doctor knew nothing about breast feeding - didn't even know it was normal for little man to poop once every 4-5 days! Really woman?? I knew that and I'm not a doctor!

But another reason why we're breaking up with that office is because of the wait time. In all of my grown up appointments, I have never waited more than 20-30 minutes to be seen by a doctor. However, we find ourselves waiting upwards of 45 minutes from the time our appointment "starts" until we actually see the doctor. I mean, come on, people! We have a little baby!! He's on a 2-3 hour feeding schedule! WE HAVE A LIFE!!! The last appointment we had was TWO HOURS LONG! We got there a little before our appointment time of 3:30 and didn't leave until almost 5:30. That was frustrating.

The new office we're going to guarantees you don't wait more than 20 minutes. It's a smaller and more personal office that has a LC on staff. Whew!

How long do you wait at the pediatrician's office? 

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