1st Trimester

Just found out...

That I'm pregnant! It came as a complete surprise, i was not trying and was actually taking my birth control (Ortho Tri cyclen lo) and for whatever reason it failed. We've yet to figure out WHY! My last period was Oct 16 2012. I told the expectant father today and I was expecting negative things a fight, instead, he's been so supportive, though in shock and scared as I am, he's manning up. They're thinking I'm about 4-5 weeks, I have NOT made my first prenatal appointment as I'm waiting for my Medicaid application to come back. It seems like my life has suddenly been doubled, work takes sooo long now, sleep never seems to last long enough!  

My parents arnt in the picture but thank god my aunt is and my cousins. I'm clueless on this whole pregnancy thing and at 25 you'd think I'd be more ready! But... I guess I'm not. Every cramp, every ache and pain or dizzy spell makes me question if things are alright? Am I doing this or that right. It's been a trip and I just found out two days ago... How am I EVER going to make it to 9 months?! 

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