July 2012 Moms

AW: Rob's day at the office

My regular babysitter's kids were sick (throwing up) so I called around to my friends to see if anyone could take Rob for the day. My friend took him and was going to work from home, but when she took him to the office to pick up some work she ended up staying because he was being so good and everyone loved him! Here he is doing some work. Big Smile


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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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Together since 5/08 ~ Married 6/19/10 ~ TTC #1 since 8/10
BFP#1 3/26/11 ~ EDD 12/2/11 ~ Ectopic Twins left tube 7w3d
BFP#2 11/2/11 ~ EDD 7/14/12 ~ Robert Edgar born 7/18/12
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