July 2012 Moms

i want my house back

and privacy. 

also i feel like its impossible to pump without "back up" to watch the kids.  so i feel stressed when i pump.   cause i can't run to the other room with my pump bottles hanging off my boobs!  Angry 

speaking of throat punches, BIL was announcing at dinner that he should start looking for apartments because its getting too crowded around here for his liking.  how about the fact that you are 30, still having your mom cook for you, living rent free?  oh, and here is the kicker... i was told he "doesn't speak" in the morning.  i tried to say hi twice this morning but he just ignored me.  what a loveable quirk. 

listen, a=hole, if i can get up to pump in the middle of the night, deal with crying babies, get 3 less hours sleep than you and still be pleasant in the morning, SO CAN YOU!!!!

insert throat punch here.

vent over.

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