
Would LOVE some advice from BTDT moms..

I had my 3rd and final growth scan today at 36w3d.  Baby is measuring in at 8lbs, 11oz according to the scans(I'm also aware that these scans aren't 100% accurate).  I spoke with my doctor who told me that he thinks baby is probably bigger than that, and closer to 9lbs.  His head was measuring greater than 41.4 weeks, and they couldn't get an accurate read.  He has suggested I look at a c-section rather than trying to deliver vaginally.  This is my second baby.  The DS1 was 8lbs, 15oz at birth, and I was induced with him at 39 weeks.  I do not have GD, but I am GBS positive (not that any of that really matters..just some background).

What are your opinions?  Would you try to go vaginally?  I'm just afraid of trying to deliver vaginally and end up in a c-section in an emergency type of situation because the baby is stuck.  I also don't want to have a c-section to be told that the baby is 7lbs.  I'm kind of at a loss.

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