1st Trimester

BFP then few days later BFN (vitex related?)

Hi ladies!

I haven't posted on these boards since my son was born 2.5 years ago. We are trying for #2 and having a little bit of trouble. I tried taking vitex this cycle -- started taking it right after finishing my last period. I confirmed ovulation using an ovulation test and BBT. Last Saturday, at 12 dpo, I got a very faint positive pregnancy test! I stopped taking the vitex since it's not supposed to be taken during pregnancy. 2 days later I still had a very faint positive test. But then this morning, at 17 dpo, the test I took was negative :( I am not bleeding or cramping, I still am feeling pregnancy symptoms (metallic taste, tender breasts, tired, uneasy stomach). Anyone else experience anything like this, vitex or not?

I've read a few things online today saying vitex can delay a positive pregnancy test, so I'm hoping I'm still pregnant but am feeling nervous. I'm going to buy a different brand of test and try again tomorrow.

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