
Pumping supply

I am wondering if I may have a supply issue due to a couple of things.  Over the past few days I have had a decrease in how much I have been getting while pumping.  I have gone from pumping once a day in addition to EBF and getting between 2-3oz on each side to only getting about 1oz on each side for the same time period each day.  My breast have also gone from leaking a ton and being hard in between nursing session to not leaking hardly at all and being soft.  

LO also seems to be harder to satisfy and fill up with nursing the past few days.  He has been nursing longer and not going as long in between feedings.  He just seems like he is always hungry.  Does any of this sound like I might be dealing with a supply issue or something else?  I have been trying to make sure I am drinking lots of water and eating better(which is hard juggling LO by myself during the day but I am getting the hang of it).  What can I do to make sure that my supply isn't dwindling?

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Trying To Conceive since November 2009
Dx: PCOS and MFI
IUI#1-4 all BFN
IVF#1 January (4R, 4M, 1F)
Beta# 1 2/22=109!!, Beta# 2=241
June 5th: It's A Boy!!
Colt was born on 10/27 at 11:50pm. 6lbs and 19 1/4"


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