1st Trimester

Anyone's SO or some close having "sympathy" m/s??!!

This might sound weird for some but...My Mom and I are SUPER close, she is my best friend, advisor, best Grandma to Cadance etc...Well when I found out I was pregnant with Cadance 3 years ago, she actually felt nauseated during the first tri and the bio father also felt sick and had cravings.  Fast forward to now and my DH is having cravings and my Mom is feeling nauseated again!  Its almost funny but not! Anyone heard of this or someone close to you go through this? I can't believe it is happening again and neither can my Mom!!Ick!   WTH?
Cheryl (25) Andy (24) Newlyweds as of 8-17-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker pregnancy week by week
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