July 2012 Moms

Vacation Ideas

What are good vacations to do with a baby? My husband and I like to travel and we don't want having a daughter to stop us.  We do realize that we might have to find places that are accomadating for small children though.  I was thinking that a cruise might be nice.  I've never been on one before but it looks like they have activities for young children, will have diapers/baby food ready for you in your stateroom, and offer babysitting which might be nice for a datenight.

I'm not sure when we'll do the first family vacation like that - but sometime in the next year.  I really want a vacation that is just the three of us.  However, my hubby wants to go visit his family for our next trip.  They live in Chile so we don't go often but his parents were here almost the whole summer...so I think we should go on a cruise and visit his family next year, lol.  I don't know how to talk him out of visiting them this year.

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