Rhode Island Babies

Pregnant and stressed?

Pregnant and stressed? Practicing yoga or learning more about keeping yourself and your baby healthy may help.


Researchers at Butler Hospital and Brown University are conducting a research project examining two different programs to see if they help with stress and sad mood during pregnancy. Women eligible to participate are randomly assigned to one of the following two programs:


Prenatal Yoga. Women assigned to the yoga program will take prenatal yoga classes once per week. Prenatal yoga involves gentle stretching and movement designed to be safe and gentle for pregnant women. Women will also receive a yoga mat and prenatal yoga DVD to use for home practice. Yoga may help to decrease feelings of stress by giving you some time to focus on yourself and relax.


Mom & Baby Wellness Workshop. Women who are assigned to the Mom & Baby Wellness Workshop will come to meetings once per week. Topics include: keeping yourself healthy as your family grows, child development in the first year, and caring for a newborn. Women will also receive a free book on child development. The Workshop may help decrease feelings of stress by increasing confidence that you can successfully care for yourself and for your family in the days ahead.


You may be eligible if you are 18 years of age or older and between 12 and 26 weeks pregnant with a single child. If the study is a good match for you, we will randomly assign you to one of the two study programs.


If you would like to learn more about the Improving Mood During Pregnancy study, a staff member can contact you by phone. Visit the following website to provide your contact information:



or call Toni at 401-455-6377. If you leave a message, please tell us your name, your phone number, and the best times to reach you.

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