July 2012 Moms

night time eating?

how often are your LO's eating during the night, if at all?

my little guy wants to nurse every 2-3 hours at night.  i'm exhausted.  he will barely nurse during the day (5 mins max every 3 hours - sometimes even fewer than 5 mins the later on in the day it gets) then he gets up all night.

i'm trying to keep him to one feeding between 2-4am, but he is up before and after it so I'm constantly giving the pacifier / shhing him every hour or so.  I think he is hungry but have no idea how to break this habit of all night eating.

he seems content for food during the day and is gaining weight well - my daughter was a fast nurser too so maybe he is getting enough and just eating for comfort at night?

ahhh.... appreciate any advice :)



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