July 2012 Moms


So H was late from work yesterday, said he was coming home from a client meeting. NBD.

As he leans over to kiss A, I notice that he REEKS like booze. I ask him about it, he says he was at a bar all afternoon for the meeting. He says the meeting went on forever, he had 4 beers, and whatever, he is fine and that I'm overreacting.

I'mpissed! Should I be, though? Am I just being a prudish overreactor? I get that client meetings can happen over drinks or lunches, but I feel like 1-2 drinks, tops, is appropriate. 4 seems like a bad judgment call to me. Plus he was an hour away from home, with no car to come back in case of a daycare emergency, and potentially having had too much to drive anyway.

Tell me if you think I'm being a stuck in the mud though. I've been irritated enough by his job lately that I know I could be overreacting to things.

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