
Anyone have 2 c/s and then have a VBAC?

I'm wondering if anyone has had 2 c/s and then had a VBAC?  My dr is against me trying vaginally unless I come into the hospital dilated to 7cm and then he said we could have a VBAC.  Honestly, I'm not sure I can make it to a 7cm on a my own and I live 90 mins from the hospital so I don't want to wait to long and then end up delivering in my truck, ya, hubbs wouldn't be happy (he wasn't happy about having a wet seat when my water broke with our first LMAO)!!!  

So, ? is, what is the risk or big deal of having a VBAC after 2?  Has anyone tried and failed?  tried and succeeded?  I have asked but hubby just says, if that's what the dr says then that's that.  Which is normally a fine answer with me (I trust our dr completely).  BUT I WANT A VBAC!!!!!!  

and the btw, midwife and homebirth are out of the ? 


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