Dads & Dads-to-be

5 Thing Thursday

OK, I'm posting a few hours early, but still... most of you will read this on Thursday.

 1) Going anywhere for Thanksgiving, the family coming to you, or just doing a small intimate Thanksgiving this year?

2) If we do a 5 Things: Ladies Edition, what question(s) would you want to ask the collective wives/fiancees/girlfriends of the dad's board?

3) I may have asked this already, but what are your hobbies?  Golf?  Video Games? Amateur taxidermy?

4 and 5 are you.


I will probably post next week's 5 Thing on Wednesday because Thursday will be a busy day for me.  If we come up with good questions for the Ladies Edition, that will probably be a dual 5 Things a week from Thanksgiving.

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