
Getting milk to come in

This is my first post here. I am only 14 weeks pregnant but this is my 5th baby. I didn't try to BF my first two but did my last two.

With my last one who is 7, I tried everything. Supplements, pumping, eating a lot of oatmeal etc, but finally had to take DS to the dr because he was not having bowel movements and the dr said he wasn't getting enough food to even go to the bathroom. So I started formula. Also want to state I could never get enough milk out to cover the bottom of bottle. It wasn't my pump because I had my best friend try it since she was also nursing and it worked fine.

I will say I have never had any engorgement or anything.

This pregnancy I have definitely noticed a change in my breasts that I don't remember being as prominent as before. I am hoping that I will have better luck breast feeding this baby.

I don't know if there is anything you can do while pregnant or what tips anyone has after I have the baby. I was terribly upset when I wasn't able to BF.

This time I will be delivering in a bigger hospital so I am hoping they will have more resources then my last hospital did. But I welcome any tips.

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