July 2012 Moms

The Grandparent Battle

Is anyone else finding it hilarious to watch the grandparents duke it out over your LO?  My MIL and my mom are cracking me up these days.  If one hears that other has bought LO something, the other has a present for him the next day.  If one finds out one came to visit, the other schedules a visit the next. If one comments on a picture of him on Facebook, the other one immediately does too.   

My mom watches my niece a lot and because of that she has some of the bigger items around her house, like a pack n play, a highchair, jumperoo, etc.  Well, my mom posted a picture on Facebook of my son in her jumperroo over the weekend.  So, MIL just emailed me saying that she just ?happened? to come across a jumperroo on Craigslist while she was looking for something else, so now she has one at her house. 

With the holidays coming up this could get ver entertainingJ  I love that my son is SO loved, but I think they both are going to need to get over the jealousy thing and realize they are both going to be cherished by my son.  

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