1st Trimester

Worried about Beta levels UPDATE

You ladies were so helpful the other day and I think someone asked for an update so here goes ...

I'm pretty sure I ovulated around Oct. 27 (FF gave me dotted crosshairs on Oct. 26, but based on my OPKs and other cycles trying, I'm pretty sure it was later than that). Based on that date ...

-Monday I was 4weeks, 3 days. Level was 281.5 with good progesterone (20, I think).

-Today (Weds) I would be 4 weeks, 5 days. Level is almost 514. (Progesterone was pending but she was very happy with Monday's number)

My doc said they want to see the levels double every 48-72 hours and I came in literally right at 48 hours so she was pleased with the numbers and that they were very close to doubling. She said if I had come in for the second draw later in the week, they may have doubled and then some.

She wants me to come back early next week for another draw. I told her how anxious I'm feeling and she said that's why she's not bringing me back in this week -- she wants to give it some more time and not play into "the crazy." (She said this very kindly -- I love her for her being so blunt!)

Sooo, I'm cautiously happy that they're going up. When I saw her earlier today (before the results) she said to me that if they come back around 600, that'll be great. If they go from 281-209 in 48 hours, thumbs down.

I'm telling myself that not quite doubling is OK since the draws were exactly 48 hours apart, which is what she said too. Trying to relax, see my therapist again to work on the anxiety, and breathe.

Thank you all so much for being so kind to me, it means a lot. We're not telling anyone yet, so I don't have anyone to talk to other than DH! Any continued feedback/reassurance on my #s appreciated. 


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