1st Trimester

3 under 1

Let me start by saying, Yes I am an AE. I don't feel comfortable typing this on my original user name.

Without going into a long babble I'll keep this short and simple. I had twins between the months of July and October. I waited to be cleared for sex and used protection. I assumed my first trimester symptoms were just part of postpartum, but something told me to pee on a stick.

Well low and behold I am an official member of the 3 kids under one crowd. I have been in tears since the test turned positive. I have no freaking clue what to do. My mind is racing and my anxiety is going to put me in the hospital. I'm not trying to upset anyone or cause controversy when I say my first thought was "abortion".

I just need to put this out there. The only person I can talk to is my husband. He is actually happy, but he knows I am not so we have been talking this out, talk about the positive and the negative. He tells me we have time to make a decision but I think I may go crazy if I wait.

I'm not exactly sure why I'm making this post but it makes me feel better. I know this site isn't all "ZOMG I ARE HERE FOR SUPPORT!!!!!" But I could use a little right now...

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