1st Trimester

BFP and on antidepressants. Anyone else?

Hi Ladies!

I got my BFP this morning at DPO. This will be our third child fingers crossed!

I have been on Lexapro for anxiety and depression since the birth of my youngest son, 2 years ago. I have struggled with anxiety for about 9 years now.

When I told my doctor we were planning to TTC, she said that there are a few options; that staying on it was fine in her opinion, as I take a low dose, but if it made me feel better, that I could lower those dose, or switch medications. I did try last month to lower my dose, with horrible results. I felt so irritated, emotional and angry. I went back to my normal dose. The doctor said there isn't enough info to say the meds are for sure safe because they can't really test it in a controlled experiment, but it was generally considered safe. She also said that untreated depression is a risk to baby too. I have tried to switch to Wellbutrin in the past, but that didn't go well either.

I'm struggling with the decision of what to do. The doctor basically said it was up to me. I'm wondering if anyone else is on antidepressants and what your doctor said. I have done a lot of research and there is conflicting information. I'm just looking for some insight from others. I don't want to jeopardize this baby but also don't want to be depressed and anxious, as I struggle to be a good mom to my other boys when in this state.

Thanks so much for listening and for any advice or insight. I really appreciate it.
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