
Exclusive Pumping Already Taking Its Toll

Hey eveyone,

Due to latching issues with my LO, the lactation consultant, DH, and I decided that pumping was the best option for us. My LO is 2.5 weeks old, but exclusively pumping is really taking its toll on me. I feel guilty if baby cries while I'm pumping and I can't immediately be at her side. The nights are horrible...getting up to feed her, then getting her back to sleep, then pumping, then getting everything ready to pump again. Last night, she was up every 2 hours to eat...that leaves me 45 minutes to an hour after all is said and done before it starts all over again.

I know that breast milk is the best option for the hurt my heart to have to pump so early on. I just think that EPing is taking a huge toll on me.

Is there anyone else out there that is exclusively pumping? How do you overcome these obstacles?


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