July 2012 Moms

I'm kinda being a Bia

Sorry y'all. Just realized I'm kinda being a biotch in most of my replies today. Must be the fact that LO has me going on about 12 hours of sleep total since Sunday night.

Plus we are starting out day time sleep training (nap training) today with night training to commence this weekend, so I have been picking up and putting down a screaming baby for the past hour, with no luck getting him back to sleep (a 20 min nap every 3 hours is just not enough).

So please bare with my Bia-ness today, and prob for the next week or so. I already cried this am because, after saying "babe" 3 times in a row to get my husband's attention, he snapped at me ( like literally just said "what" with an annoyed tone) and I started bawling.


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