
MOTN feeding

Just a bit of background info...LO is 6.5 months old, I am in the process of weaning her (medical reasons).  She usually wakes 1-2 times a night, and falls asleep easily after I nurse her. She had her 6 month check last week and the doctor said that should be the first nursing session I drop as I am weaning.  She is in the 75% for weight, and the doctor assured us she does not need to eat in the MOTN. She also said she will eat more during the day since she isn't waking up at night to eat...all of this makes sense to me...but I just don't know what is right for LO.  How do I know she is not actually starving?? Last ngiht she woke up at 1, and I rocked her back to sleep.  She continued to wake up every 20 minutes until 3 (and I continued to rock her back to sleep), until I finally gave up and nursed her. 

I guess I am just wiondering what your thoguhts are.  Would you eliminate the MOTN feeding? And if so, how do I go about doing this?

My Chart TTC Since Nov 2010 BFP 12.29.10, M/C 1.13.11 BFP#2 8/25/11 DD born 5/4/12
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