1st Trimester

Not sure if these are pregnancy signs or not...

My periods have been really regular for about a year now, 32 or 33 days every cycle. I have had unprotected sex, but used the pull out method for BC (and yes I am aware that it is not all that effective as a BC method, but we aren't really trying that hard NOT to concieve) several times over the last month. My period should start on Nov. 17, but it started Monday, Nov. 12. (5 days early) And like I said, I have a VERY predictible cycle. I had mild cramps Monday morning, but by mid afternoon they were completely gone (and I usually have terrible cramps all week), and my flow seems like it's already slowing down (also odd, since I have a heavy flow for the first 4 days usually) and there have been no clots (odd again) and this morning I had what seem like round ligament pain while I was showering. Do you think I might be pregnant, or am I getting excited over nothing?

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