1st Trimester

Intro and first dilema

Hello everyone my name is Kristina and I am 27 years old, married with two children from previous marriage and 2 step children with current marriage. SO and I just found out about 3 weeks ago that we are expecting. I have some questions that I would like your opinions on. Before my missed cycle, I had symptoms of pregnancy, sore breasts, swollen fingers, fatigue, moodiness, emotional and lack of appetite as nothing looked, smelled or sounded good. I am now at the end of all this, I have a hard time believing that I should be going according to my last cycle as it was shorter than normal and lighter than normal. Is it possible that I am further along than I think I am? According to all the information that I am reading, my symptoms fit the 9-11 week mark as of where I am now, bloating, heartburn, constipation, increase in energy, beginning to develop the bump, etc. Could my last cycle have been implantation bleeding? When I took my test on the morning I should have had a visit from Aunt flow, I had a positive result in 30 seconds if not sooner, to me that seems awfully quick for the morning of my missed period, it wasn't even the first morning pee either, it was about 2-3 potty breaks into the morning. What would you guess? I have my fist appt. set for 12-7 because according to my last cycle that would be approx. my 10 week mark, but I just can't get rid of this nagging feeling that I am further along than we think. Please any help would be excellent and if you've had any experiences with this, I would appreciate to hear it as well.
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