July 2012 Moms

4 mo wakeful/ MOTN feedings

So when DS used to wake up 12 times a night I always fed him bc I figured that's why he was up. He would eat decently and them fall back asleep. However the past few nights, he has been waking up 3 times and I never know when he is hungry or just up. I usually end up nursing him bc it's the only way I can get him back to sleep, but he usually only eats for a couple minutes then comfort sucks for a while til he falls asleep. Then, half the time he wakes up when I put him down and we have to repeat the whole process. So what do you do when LO wakes at night? I don't know I guess I'm just frustrated with whole sleep regression. He's sleeping worse now than when he was a newborn and it's driving me bonkers.
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