July 2012 Moms

Pumping sucks Part 2

A spin off of the post below. I am hating pumping w this baby. I pumped for 1 year and BF for 20months w Caleb. Caleb actually reverse cycled so I didn't have to worry about supply and such bc he would just sleep attached to my boob all night. It was exhausting

Hunter OTOH has decided that the bottle is where it's at and will take around 20ounces while I am at work and nurse 2 or 3 times when I am home. He's a huge, food loving baby lol.

The trouble is I am having a rough time keeping up w demand. He takes the 4 5 oz bottles w no problems and little spit up. He would probably take more if I let him. So, to keep up w this, I pump after I nurse in the AM, 930, and 130. Nurse at 4 and 7. Pump at 9.

All the pumping, nursing, and chasing after 2 kids is exhausting me. I am really considering weaning to hypoallergenic formula MPSI, but I feel that would be unfair to Hunter bc Caleb got to be BFd so long. Oh this mommy guilt sucks
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