Single Parents

Help me understand this

I will never understand how a parent can not have a desire to see there child everyday.  I am the proud mother of a 13 month old boy named mason, who is truely the love of my life.  Masons father decided that responsiblity and establishing a family was not for him yet so he moved out when Mason was 7 months old.  He immediately got into another relationship and has barely seen our son since.  I dont understand this.  How can someone have a child and not want to see them grow and change. I loose alot of sleep over this, I am fearful that my son will feel like he is missing out by not having a permanent and stable male figure in his life.  Im sad for him that he will never know what its like to live in a home with his family.  Ive tried talking to his father multiple times about being more consistant with visitation, and still i get nothing out of him.  I love my son more than anything and i know that i am doing the right thing by being the reliable and stable parent, but i never realized how lonely it is to be a single mother.  Im afraid im always going to be alone since i dont have the opportunites to go out and meet someone new.   Anyone else out there feel this way?

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